Title: | Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations with Multilevel Data |
Description: | Addons for the 'mice' package to perform multiple imputation using chained equations with two-level data. Includes imputation methods dedicated to sporadically and systematically missing values. Imputation of continuous, binary or count variables are available. Following the recommendations of Audigier, V. et al (2018) <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>, the choice of the imputation method for each variable can be facilitated by a default choice tuned according to the structure of the incomplete dataset. Allows parallel calculation and overimputation for 'mice'. |
Authors: | Vincent Audigier [aut, cre] (CNAM MSDMA team), Matthieu Resche-Rigon [aut] (INSERM ECSTRA team), Johanna Munoz Avila [ctb] (Julius Center Methods Group UMC, 2022) |
Maintainer: | Vincent Audigier <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.10.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 03:47:42 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/micemd |
Addons for the mice package to perform multiple imputation using chained equations with two-level data. Includes imputation methods specifically handling sporadically and systematically missing values (Resche-Rigon et al. 2013). Imputation of continuous, binary or count variables are available. Following the recommendations of Audigier, V. et al (2018), the choice of the imputation method for each variable can be facilitated by a default choice tuned according to the structure of the incomplete dataset. Allows parallel calculation for mice.
Vincent Audigier, Matthieu Resche-Rigon
Maintainer: Vincent Audigier <[email protected]>
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. doi:10.1214/18-STS646.
Jolani, S., Debray, T. P. A., Koffijberg, H., van Buuren, S., and Moons, K. G. M. (2015). Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta-analysis: a generalized approach using MICE. Statistics in Medicine, 34(11):1841-1863. doi:10.1002/sim.6451
Quartagno, M. and Carpenter, J. R. (2016). jomo: A package for Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation.
Quartagno, M. and Carpenter, J. R. (2016). Multiple imputation for IPD meta-analysis: allowing for heterogeneity and studies with missing covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 35(17):2938-2954. doi:10.1002/sim.6837
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(6):1634-1649. doi:10.1177/0962280216666564
Resche-Rigon, M., White, I. R., Bartlett, J., Peters, S., Thompson, S., and on behalf of the PROG-IMT Study Group (2013). Multiple imputation for handling systematically missing confounders in meta-analysis of individual participant data. Statistics in Medicine, 32(28):4890-4905. doi:10.1002/sim.5894
Van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 45(3), 1-67. doi:10.18637/jss.v045.i03. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v45/i03/
require(lme4) data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust <- 1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust] <- 0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1] <- 2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) [time consumming] #res.mice <- mice.par(CHEM97Na, predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method) #check convergence #plot(res.mice) #analysis (apply a generalized linear mixed effects model to each imputed dataset) #ana <- with(res.mice, expr=glmer(Score~Sex+GSCE+(1|School), # family="poisson", # control=glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))) #check the number of generated tables #plot(ana) #pooling #res.pool <- pool(ana) #summary(res.pool)
require(lme4) data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust <- 1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust] <- 0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1] <- 2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) [time consumming] #res.mice <- mice.par(CHEM97Na, predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method) #check convergence #plot(res.mice) #analysis (apply a generalized linear mixed effects model to each imputed dataset) #ana <- with(res.mice, expr=glmer(Score~Sex+GSCE+(1|School), # family="poisson", # control=glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))) #check the number of generated tables #plot(ana) #pooling #res.pool <- pool(ana) #summary(res.pool)
This dataset is an extract of the CHEM97 dataset (Fielding, A. et al, 2003) dealing with point scores of 31,022 pupils grouped in 2,280 schools. CHEM97Na reports point score for Schools with more than 70 pupils only, i.e. 1681 pupils grouped in 18 schools. Systematically missing values and sporadically missing values have been added according to a missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism (Little R.J.A. and Rubin D.B., 2002). Systematically missing values are values that are missing for all pupils of a same school, while sporadically missing values are values which are missing for an individual only (Resche-Rigon, et al 2013).
A data frame with 1681 observations on the following 5 variables.
a numeric indexing the School
a factor with levels M
a numeric indicating the age in months
a numeric vector indicating the point score at the General Certificate of Secondary Education
a numeric vector indicating the point score on A-level Chemistry in 1997
For more details, see Fielding, A. et al (2003).
Fielding, A., Yang, M., and Goldstein, H.(2003). Multilevel ordinal models for examination grades. Statistical Modelling, 3 (2): 127-153.
Available at http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/learning/mmsoftware/data-rev.html#chem97
Fielding, A., Yang, M., and Goldstein, H. (2003). Multilevel ordinal models for examination grades. Statistical Modelling, 3 (2): 127-153. doi:10.1191/1471082X03st052oa
Resche-Rigon, M., White, I. R., Bartlett, J., Peters, S., Thompson, S., and on behalf of the PROG-IMT Study Group (2013). Multiple imputation for handling systematically missing confounders in meta-analysis of individual participant data. Statistics in Medicine, 32(28):4890-4905. doi:10.1002/sim.5894
Little R.J.A., Rubin D.B. (2002) Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. Wiley series in probability and statistics, New-York
data(CHEM97Na) #summary summary(CHEM97Na) #summary per School by(CHEM97Na,CHEM97Na$School,summary)
data(CHEM97Na) #summary summary(CHEM97Na) #summary per School by(CHEM97Na,CHEM97Na$School,summary)
Provides conditionnal imputation models to use for each column of the incomplete dataset according to the number of clusters, the number of individuals per cluster and the class of the variables.
find.defaultMethod(don.na, ind.clust, I.small = 7, ni.small = 100, prop.small = 0.4)
find.defaultMethod(don.na, ind.clust, I.small = 7, ni.small = 100, prop.small = 0.4)
don.na |
An incomplete data frame. |
ind.clust |
A scalar indexes the variable corresponding to the cluster indicator. |
I.small |
A scalar that is used as threshold to consider the number of observed clusters (fully observed or partially observed) as small. Default is |
ni.small |
A scalar that is used as threshold to consider the number individuals per clusters (with observed values) as small. Default is |
prop.small |
A scalar that is used as threshold to consider the number of small clusters as small. Default is |
Provides conditionnal imputation models to use for each column of the incomplete dataset according to the number of clusters, the number of individuals per cluster and the class of the variable (Audigier, V. et al 2017). Returned methods can be: 2l.stage.bin (binary), 2l.stage.norm (continuous), 2l.stage.pois (integer), 2l.glm.bin (binary), 2l.glm.norm (continuous), 2l.glm.pois (integer), 2l.jomo (continuous or binary). For a given variable, the method retained is chosen according to the following decision tree:
---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | |
Few observed | clusters | |
---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | |
Few observed values per cluster | Many observed values per cluster | |
------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
continuous | 2l.glm.norm | 2l.stage.norm |
binary | 2l.glm.bin | 2l.stage.bin |
integer | 2l.glm.pois | 2l.stage.pois |
------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | |
Many observed | clusters | |
---------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | |
Few observed values per cluster | Many observed values per cluster | |
------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
continuous | 2l.glm.norm | 2l.stage.norm |
binary | 2l.jomo | 2l.jomo |
integer | 2l.glm.pois | 2l.stage.pois |
------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
For instance, with few observed clusters (i.e. less than I.small
), and many observed values per cluster (i.e. less than prop.small
clusters with less than ni.small
observed values), imputation of a continuous variable according to the method 2l.stage.norm will be suggested.
A vector of strings with length ncol(data)
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. doi:10.1214/18-STS646.
Jolani, S., Debray, T. P. A., Koffijberg, H., van Buuren, S., and Moons, K. G. M. (2015). Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta-analysis: a generalized approach using MICE. Statistics in Medicine, 34(11):1841-1863). doi:10.1002/sim.6451
Quartagno, M. and Carpenter, J. R. (2016). Multiple imputation for IPD meta-analysis: allowing for heterogeneity and studies with missing covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 35(17):2938-2954. doi:10.1002/sim.6837
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2018). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(6):1634-1649. doi:10.1177/0962280216666564
data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust <- 1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix <- mice(CHEM97Na, m = 1, maxit = 0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust] <- 0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust] <- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1] <- 2 #initialisation of the argument method method <- find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na, ind.clust) print(method) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice <- mice.par(CHEM97Na, m = 3, predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, method = method)
data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust <- 1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix <- mice(CHEM97Na, m = 1, maxit = 0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust] <- 0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust] <- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1] <- 2 #initialisation of the argument method method <- find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na, ind.clust) print(method) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice <- mice.par(CHEM97Na, m = 3, predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, method = method)
This dataset is a simulated version of an IPD meta-analysis consisting of 28 studies focusing on risk factors in acute heart failure (GREAT, 2013). Each study includes a list of patient characteristics and potential risk factors. Each of them is incomplete, leading to sporadically missing values (Resche-Rigon, et al 2013). In addition, some variables have been collected on some studies only, leading to systematically missing values. More details on the original dataset are provided in Audigier et al. (2018). To mimic the real data, a general location model has been fitted on each study (Schafer, 1997). Then, each study has been generated according to the estimated parameters. Finally, missing values have been allocated similarly to the original dataset.
A data frame with 11685 observations on the following 10 variables.
a numeric indexing the center where the study is conducted
a factor with levels 0
a numeric vector indicating the body mass index
a numeric vector indicating the age
a numeric vector indicating the systolic blood pressure
a numeric vector indicating the diastolic blood pressure
a numeric vector indicating the heart rate
a numeric vector indicating the ventricular ejection fraction
a numeric vector indicating the level of the brain natriuretic peptide biomarker
a factor with levels 0
indicating the atrial fibrillation
For more details, see Audigier et al. (2018)
GREAT Network (2013). Managing acute heart failure in the ed - case studies from the acute heart failure academy. http://www.greatnetwork.org
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. doi:10.1214/18-STS646.
Resche-Rigon, M., White, I. R., Bartlett, J., Peters, S., Thompson, S., and on behalf of the PROG-IMT Study Group (2013). Multiple imputation for handling systematically missing confounders in meta-analysis of individual participant data. Statistics in Medicine, 32(28):4890-4905. doi:10.1002/sim.5894
Schafer, J. L. (1997) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall, Chapter 9.
data(IPDNa) #summary summary(IPDNa) #summary per study by(IPDNa, IPDNa$centre, summary)
data(IPDNa) #summary summary(IPDNa) #summary per study by(IPDNa, IPDNa$centre, summary)
Imputes univariate two-level binary variable from a logistic model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a logistic regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model.
mice.impute.2l.2stage.bin(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
mice.impute.2l.2stage.bin(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
method_est |
Vector of string given the version of the estimator to used. Choose |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from a heteroscedastic normal model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a linear regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model. Two possibilities are available to combine estimates at stage 2: by default, parameters of the linear random effect model are estimated according to the method of moments (MM), otherwise, parameters of the linear random effect model can be estimated according to the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (REML). The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an asymptotic strategy requiring a large number of clusters. Compared to the REML version, the MM version is quicker to perform, but it provides less theoretical garanties. Nevertheless, simulation studies show that both versions lead to similar inferences (Audigier et al, 2018; Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R., 2016).
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>.
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. To appear. <doi:10.1177/0962280216666564>
Imputes both outcome or predictor incomplete variables that follow an indirectly non-ignorable Missing Not at Random (MNAR) mechanism, i.e., the likelihood of a missing value in the incomplete variable depends on other unobserved variable(s) that are also correlated with the incomplete variable. This imputation is based on Heckman's selection model and is suitable for multilevel databases, such as individual participant data, with both systematic or sporadic missing data.
mice.impute.2l.2stage.heckman(y, ry, x, wy = NULL, type, pmm = FALSE, ypmm = NULL, meta_method = "reml", pred_std = FALSE,...)
mice.impute.2l.2stage.heckman(y, ry, x, wy = NULL, type, pmm = FALSE, ypmm = NULL, meta_method = "reml", pred_std = FALSE,...)
y |
Vector to be imputed |
ry |
A logical vector of length |
x |
A numeric design matrix with |
wy |
A logical vector of length |
type |
Type of the variable in the prediction model, which can be one of the following: No predictor (0), Cluster variable (-2), Predictor in both the outcome and selection equation (2), Predictor only in the selection equation (-3), Predictor only in the outcome equation (-4). In this method all predictors are considered random variables that also included the fixed effect. |
pmm |
A logical value that specifies whether the predictive mean matching method is applied.(default = "FALSE"). This method is only applicable to missing continuous variables. |
ypmm |
A continuous vector of donor values for y used in the predictive mean matching method. if ypmm is not provided, the observable values of y are used as donors. |
meta_method |
A character value that indicates the method for estimating meta_analysis random effects: "ml" (maximum likelihood), "reml" (restricted maximum likelihood) or "mm" (method of moments). |
pred_std |
A logical value that indicates whether internally standardize the set of predictor variables (default = FALSE). |
... |
Other named arguments. Not used. |
This function imputes systematically and sporadically missing binary and continuous univariate variables that follow an MNAR mechanism according to the Heckman selection model. It is specifically designed for clustered datasets. The imputation method employs a two-stage approach in which the Heckman model parameters at the cluster level are estimated using the copula method.
Vector with imputed data, of type binary or continuous type
Missing binary variables should be included as two-level factor type variables in the incomplete dataset.The cluster variable should be included as a numeric variable in the dataset. When the cluster variable is not specified, the imputation method defaults to a simple Heckman model, which does not take in account the hierarchical structure. In cases where the Heckman model cannot be estimated at the hierarchical level, the imputation method reverts to the simple Heckman model.
Julius Center Methods Group UMC, 2022 [email protected]
Munoz J,Hufstedler H,Gustafson P, Barnighausen T, De Jong V, Debray T. Dealing with missing data using the Heckman selection model: methods primer for epidemiologists.IJE,December 2022. doi:10.1093/ije/dyac237.
Munoz J, Egger M, Efthimiou O, Audigier V, De Jong V, Debray T. Multiple imputation of incomplete multilevel data using Heckman selection models, Jan 2023, doi:10.48550/arXiv.2301.05043.
require(mice) require(nlme) require(broom.mixed) require(parallel) # Load dataset data(Obesity) # Define imputation methods for each incomplete variables meth <- find.defaultMethod(Obesity, ind.clust = 1) # Modify some of the proposed imputation methods # Deterministic imputation meth["BMI"] <- "~ I(Weight / (Height)^2)" meth["Age"] <- "2l.2stage.pmm" # Set method, here Weight variable is assumed an MNAR variable # Weight imputed with the Heckman method meth["Weight"] <- "2l.2stage.heckman" # Set type of predictor variable, # All covariates are included in both outcome and selection equation ini <- mice(Obesity, maxit = 0) pred <- ini$pred pred[,"Time"] <- 0 pred[,"Cluster"] <- -2 pred[pred == 1] <- 2 # Time was used as exclusion restriction variable pred["Weight","Time"] <- -3 # Deterministic imputation, to avoid circular predictions pred[c("Height", "Weight"), "BMI"] <- 0 # Imputation of continuous variables (time consumming) # nnodes <- detectCores() # imp <- mice.par(Obesity, meth = meth, pred = pred, m=10, seed = 123, # nnodes = nnodes) # summary(complete(imp,"long")$Weight) # Imputation of continuous variables using the predictor mean matching method. # Imputed values fall within the range of observable variables. # imp_pmm <- mice.par(Obesity, meth = meth, pred = pred, m = 10, # seed = 123, pmm=TRUE, nnodes = nnodes) # summary(complete(imp_pmm,"long")$Weight) # Fit the model # model_MNAR <- with(imp,lme( BMI ~ Age + FamOb + Gender,random=~1+Age|Cluster)) # model_MNAR_pmm <- with(imp_pmm,lme( BMI ~ Age + FamOb + Gender,random=~1+Age|Cluster)) # summary(pool(model_MNAR)) # summary(pool(model_MNAR_pmm))
require(mice) require(nlme) require(broom.mixed) require(parallel) # Load dataset data(Obesity) # Define imputation methods for each incomplete variables meth <- find.defaultMethod(Obesity, ind.clust = 1) # Modify some of the proposed imputation methods # Deterministic imputation meth["BMI"] <- "~ I(Weight / (Height)^2)" meth["Age"] <- "2l.2stage.pmm" # Set method, here Weight variable is assumed an MNAR variable # Weight imputed with the Heckman method meth["Weight"] <- "2l.2stage.heckman" # Set type of predictor variable, # All covariates are included in both outcome and selection equation ini <- mice(Obesity, maxit = 0) pred <- ini$pred pred[,"Time"] <- 0 pred[,"Cluster"] <- -2 pred[pred == 1] <- 2 # Time was used as exclusion restriction variable pred["Weight","Time"] <- -3 # Deterministic imputation, to avoid circular predictions pred[c("Height", "Weight"), "BMI"] <- 0 # Imputation of continuous variables (time consumming) # nnodes <- detectCores() # imp <- mice.par(Obesity, meth = meth, pred = pred, m=10, seed = 123, # nnodes = nnodes) # summary(complete(imp,"long")$Weight) # Imputation of continuous variables using the predictor mean matching method. # Imputed values fall within the range of observable variables. # imp_pmm <- mice.par(Obesity, meth = meth, pred = pred, m = 10, # seed = 123, pmm=TRUE, nnodes = nnodes) # summary(complete(imp_pmm,"long")$Weight) # Fit the model # model_MNAR <- with(imp,lme( BMI ~ Age + FamOb + Gender,random=~1+Age|Cluster)) # model_MNAR_pmm <- with(imp_pmm,lme( BMI ~ Age + FamOb + Gender,random=~1+Age|Cluster)) # summary(pool(model_MNAR)) # summary(pool(model_MNAR_pmm))
Imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from a heteroscedastic normal model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a linear regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model.
mice.impute.2l.2stage.norm(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
mice.impute.2l.2stage.norm(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
method_est |
Vector of string given the version of the estimator to used. Choose |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from a heteroscedastic normal model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a linear regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model. Two possibilities are available to combine estimates at stage 2: by default, parameters of the linear random effect model are estimated according to the method of moments (MM), otherwise, parameters of the linear random effect model can be estimated according to the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (REML). The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an asymptotic strategy requiring a large number of clusters. Compared to the REML version, the MM version is quicker to perform, but it provides less theoretical garanties. Nevertheless, simulation studies show that both versions lead to similar inferences (Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016)).
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. To appear. <doi:10.1177/0962280216666564>
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>.
Similarly to mice.impute.2l.stage.norm, this function imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from a heteroscedastic normal model. The difference consists in replacing missing values by observed values instead of adding a parametric noise to the prediction of a linear model with random effects (as done in mice.impute.2l.stage.norm.mm and mice.impute.2l.stage.norm.reml).
mice.impute.2l.2stage.pmm(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", incluster = FALSE, kpmm = 5, ...)
mice.impute.2l.2stage.pmm(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", incluster = FALSE, kpmm = 5, ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
method_est |
Vector of string given the version of the estimator to used. Choose |
incluster |
Boolean indicating if the imputed values are drawn from the cluster or from the full dataset. By default imputed values are drawn from all available clusters |
kpmm |
The size of the donor pool among which a draw is made. The default is |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from observed values. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a linear regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model. To combine estimates at stage 2, parameters of the linear random effect model are estimated according to the method of moments or according to the restricted maximum likelihood estimator. The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an asymptotic strategy requiring a large number of clusters. The sample variability is reflected by using a predictive mean matching approach, meaning that missing values are imputed by a draw from observed values. The pool of k
donors is defined according to the Manhattan distance between the prediction of the observation which is imputed and the predictions of other available observations (matching of type 2). The pool can be restricted to the cluster of the individual that is imputed or from all clusters. By drawing values inside the cluster, the heteroscedasticity assumption is preserved. Otherwise, the sample variability of imputed values is the same for all clusters, which strengthen the homoscedasticity assumption. Among the pool of k
donors, the selected one is drawn at random.
Numeric vector of length sum(!ry)
with imputations
This method is experimental.
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Rubin, D.B. (1987). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York: Wiley.
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. To appear. <doi:10.1177/0962280216666564>
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>.
Imputes univariate two-level count variable from a Poisson model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a Poisson regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model.
mice.impute.2l.2stage.pois(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
mice.impute.2l.2stage.pois(y, ry, x, type, method_est = "mm", ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
method_est |
Vector of string given the version of the estimator to used. Choose |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate two-level count variable from a Poisson model. The imputation method is based on a two-stage estimator: at step 1, a Poisson regression model is fitted to each observed cluster; at step 2, estimates obtained from each cluster are combined according to a linear random effect model. Two possibilities are available to combine estimates at stage 2: by default, parameters of the linear random effect model are estimated according to the method of moments (MM), otherwise, parameters of the linear random effect model can be estimated according to the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (REML). The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an asymptotic strategy requiring large samples and a large number of clusters. Compared to the REML version, the MM version is quicker to perform, but it provides less theoretical garanties. Nevertheless, simulation studies show that both versions lead to similar inferences (Audigier et al, 2018; Resche-Rigon and White, 2016).
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Resche-Rigon, M. and White, I. R. (2016). Multiple imputation by chained equations for systematically and sporadically missing multilevel data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. To appear. <doi:10.1177/0962280216666564>
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. <doi:10.1214/18-STS646>.
Imputes univariate missing data using a Bayesian logistic mixed model based on non-informative prior distributions. The method is dedicated to a binary outcome stratified in severals clusters. Should be used with few clusters and few individuals per cluster. Can be very slow to perform otherwise.
mice.impute.2l.glm.bin(y, ry, x, type, ...)
mice.impute.2l.glm.bin(y, ry, x, type, ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate missing data using a Bayesian logistic mixed model based on non-informative prior distributions. The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an explicit Bayesian modelling. More precisely, improper prior distributions are used for regression coefficients and covariance matrix of random effects. The method is recommended for datasets with a small number of clusters and a small number of individuals per cluster. Otherwise, the method can be very slow to perform.
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected] from the R code of Shahab Jolani.
Jolani, S., Debray, T. P. A., Koffijberg, H., van Buuren, S., and Moons, K. G. M. (2015). Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta-analysis: a generalized approach using MICE. Statistics in Medicine, 34(11):1841-1863. doi:10.1002/sim.6451
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. doi:10.1214/18-STS646.
Imputes univariate missing data using a Bayesian linear mixed model based on non-informative prior distributions. The method is dedicated to a continuous outcome stratified in severals clusters. Should be used with few clusters and few individuals per cluster. Can be very slow to perform otherwise.
mice.impute.2l.glm.norm(y, ry, x, type,...)
mice.impute.2l.glm.norm(y, ry, x, type,...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate two-level continuous variable from a homoscedastic normal model. The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an explicit Bayesian modelling. More precisely, improper prior distributions are used for regression coefficients and variances components. The method is recommended for datasets with a small number of clusters and a small number of individuals per cluster. Otherwise, confidence intervals after applying analysis method on the multiply imputed dataset tend to be anti-conservative. In addition, the imputation can be highly time consumming.
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected] from the R code of Shahab Jolani.
Jolani, S. (2017) Hierarchical imputation of systematically and sporadically missing data: An approximate Bayesian approach using chained equations. Biometrical Journal doi:10.1002/bimj.201600220
Jolani, S., Debray, T. P. A., Koffijberg, H., van Buuren, S., and Moons, K. G. M. (2015). Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta-analysis: a generalized approach using MICE. Statistics in Medicine, 34(11):1841-1863. doi:10.1002/sim.6451
Audigier, V., White, I. , Jolani ,S. Debray, T., Quartagno, M., Carpenter, J., van Buuren, S. and Resche-Rigon, M. Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables (2018). Statistical Science. doi:10.1214/18-STS646.
Imputes univariate missing data using a Bayesian mixed model (Poisson regression) based on non-informative prior distributions. The method is dedicated to a count outcome stratified in severals clusters. Should be used with few clusters and few individuals per cluster. Can be very slow to perform otherwise.
mice.impute.2l.glm.pois(y, ry, x, type,...)
mice.impute.2l.glm.pois(y, ry, x, type,...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Imputes univariate missing data using a Bayesian mixed model (Poisson regression) based on non-informative prior distributions. The variability on the parameters of the imputation is propagated according to an explicit Bayesian modelling. More precisely, improper prior distributions are used for regression coefficients and variances components. The method is recommended for datasets with a small number of clusters and a small number of individuals per cluster. Otherwise, the method can be very slow to perform.
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected] from the R code of Shahab Jolani.
Jolani, S., Debray, T. P. A., Koffijberg, H., van Buuren, S., and Moons, K. G. M. (2015). Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta-analysis: a generalized approach using MICE. Statistics in Medicine, 34(11):1841-1863. doi:10.1002/sim.6451
Univariate imputation by a Bayesian multivariate generalized model based on conjugate priors. Can be used for a continuous or binary incomplete variable. For continuous variables, the modelling assumes heteroscedasticity for errors. For a binary variable, a probit link and a latent variables framework are used. The method should be used for a variable with large number of clusters and a large number of individuals per cluster.
mice.impute.2l.jomo(y, ry, x, type, nburn = 200, ...)
mice.impute.2l.jomo(y, ry, x, type, nburn = 200, ...)
y |
Incomplete data vector of length |
ry |
Vector of missing data pattern |
x |
Matrix |
type |
Vector of length |
nburn |
A scalar indicating the number of iterations for the Gibbs sampler. Default is |
... |
Other named arguments. |
Contrary to the approach developped in the R jomo package, the imputation is here sequentially performed through a FCS approach, instead of imputing all variables simulatenously. The motivation for such a method is that jomo presents some advantages over other imputation methods, but not always for any type of variables (binary or continuous). By proposing a FCS version of jomo, we allow imputation of mixed variables (continuous and binary), while taking the best of jomo and of other imputation methods. To impute one variable according to this method, other variables are assumed to be full, like in any FCS approach. The imputation function is a direct use of the R function jomo1ran from the jomo package. The argument meth
is tuned to "random" to allow covariance matrices drawn from an inverse Wishart distribution. Only intercept are considered in covariates (X=NULL
and Z=NULL
), while the multivariate outcome corresponds to all variables of the datasets.
A vector of length nmis
with imputations.
Vincent Audigier [email protected] from the R code of Matteo Quartagno.
Carpenter J.R., Kenward M.G., (2013), Multiple Imputation and its Application. Chapters 3-5-9, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-74052-1.
Yucel R.M., (2011), Random-covariances and mixed-effects models for imputing multivariate multilevel continuous data, Statistical Modelling, 11 (4), 351-370, <doi:10.1177/1471082X100110040>.
Parallel calculations for Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations using the R package parallel
mice.par(don.na, m = 5, method = NULL, predictorMatrix, where = NULL, visitSequence = NULL, blots = NULL, post = NULL, blocks, formulas, defaultMethod = c("pmm", "logreg", "polyreg", "polr"), maxit = 5, seed = NA, data.init = NULL, nnodes = 5, path.outfile = NULL, ...)
mice.par(don.na, m = 5, method = NULL, predictorMatrix, where = NULL, visitSequence = NULL, blots = NULL, post = NULL, blocks, formulas, defaultMethod = c("pmm", "logreg", "polyreg", "polr"), maxit = 5, seed = NA, data.init = NULL, nnodes = 5, path.outfile = NULL, ...)
don.na |
A data frame or a matrix containing the incomplete data. Missing
values are coded as |
m |
Number of multiple imputations. The default is |
method |
Can be either a single string, or a vector of strings with
length |
predictorMatrix |
A square matrix of size |
where |
A data frame or matrix with logicals of the same dimensions
as |
visitSequence |
A vector of integers of arbitrary length, specifying the
column indices of the visiting sequence. The visiting sequence is the column
order that is used to impute the data during one pass through the data. A
column may be visited more than once. All incomplete columns that are used as
predictors should be visited, or else the function will stop with an error.
The default sequence |
blots |
A named |
post |
A vector of strings with length |
blocks |
List of vectors with variable names per block. List elements
may be named to identify blocks. Variables within a block are
imputed by a multivariate imputation method
(see |
formulas |
A named list of formula's, or expressions that
can be converted into formula's by |
defaultMethod |
A vector of three strings containing the default
imputation methods for numerical columns, factor columns with 2 levels, and
columns with (unordered or ordered) factors with more than two levels,
respectively. If nothing is specified, the following defaults will be used:
maxit |
A scalar giving the number of iterations. The default is 5. |
seed |
An integer that is used as argument by the |
data.init |
A data frame of the same size and type as |
nnodes |
A scalar indicating the number of nodes for parallel calculation. Default value is 5. |
path.outfile |
A vector of strings indicating the path for redirection of print messages. Default value is NULL, meaning that silent imputation is performed. Otherwise, print messages are saved in the files path.outfile/output.txt. One file per node is generated. |
... |
Named arguments that are passed down to the elementary imputation functions. |
Performs multiple imputation of m
tables in parallel by generating m
seeds, and then by performing multiple imputation by chained equations in parallel from each one. The output is the same as the mice
function of the mice package.
Returns an S3 object of class mids
(multiply imputed data set)
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). mice
Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R
. Journal of
Statistical Software, 45(3), 1-67.
https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v045i03 <doi:10.18637/jss.v045.i03>
van Buuren, S. (2012). Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
Van Buuren, S., Brand, J.P.L., Groothuis-Oudshoorn C.G.M., Rubin, D.B. (2006) Fully conditional specification in multivariate imputation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 76, 12, 1049–1064. <doi:10.1080/10629360600810434>
Van Buuren, S. (2007) Multiple imputation of discrete and continuous data by fully conditional specification. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 16, 3, 219–242. <doi:10.1177/0962280206074463>
Van Buuren, S., Boshuizen, H.C., Knook, D.L. (1999) Multiple imputation of missing blood pressure covariates in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 18, 681–694. <doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19990330)18:6<681::AID-SIM71>3.0.CO;2-R>
Brand, J.P.L. (1999) Development, implementation and evaluation of multiple imputation strategies for the statistical analysis of incomplete data sets. Dissertation. Rotterdam: Erasmus University.
############## # nhanes (one level data) ############## data(nhanes, package = "mice") #imp <- mice.par(nhanes) #fit <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ hyp + chl)) #summary(pool(fit)) ############## #CHEM97Na (Two levels data with 1681 observations and 5 variables) ############## data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) [1 minute] #(the imputation process can be followed by opening output.txt files in the working directory) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method, # path.outfile=getwd()) #multiple imputation by chained equations (without parallel calculation) [4.8 minutes] #res.mice<-mice(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method) ############ #IPDNa (Two levels data with 11685 observations and 10 variables) ############ data(IPDNa) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(IPDNa,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(IPDNa,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice<-mice.par(IPDNa, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method, # path.outfile=getwd())
############## # nhanes (one level data) ############## data(nhanes, package = "mice") #imp <- mice.par(nhanes) #fit <- with(data = imp, exp = lm(bmi ~ hyp + chl)) #summary(pool(fit)) ############## #CHEM97Na (Two levels data with 1681 observations and 5 variables) ############## data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) [1 minute] #(the imputation process can be followed by opening output.txt files in the working directory) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method, # path.outfile=getwd()) #multiple imputation by chained equations (without parallel calculation) [4.8 minutes] #res.mice<-mice(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method) ############ #IPDNa (Two levels data with 11685 observations and 10 variables) ############ data(IPDNa) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(IPDNa,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(IPDNa,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice<-mice.par(IPDNa, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method, # path.outfile=getwd())
This synthetic dataset was generated from an online survey on obesity, which collected information on the dietary behavior of 2111 participants. We made the assumption that the data was gathered from five distinct locations or clusters. To account for potential selection bias in the responses related to weight, we simulated the values and observability of this variable using the Heckman selection model within a hierarchical structure.
Additionally, we assumed that in one of the locations, the weight variable was systematically missing. We also introduced missing values for some other variables in the dataset using a Missing at Random (MAR) mechanism.
A dataframe with 2111 observations with the following variables:
Gender | a factor variable with two levels: 1 ("Female"), 0 ("Male"). | |
Age | a numeric variable indicating the subject's age in years. | |
Height | a numeric value with Height in meters. | |
FamOb | a factor variable describing the subject's family history of obesity with two levels: 1("Yes"), 0("No"). | |
Weight | a numeric variable indicating the subject's weight in kilograms. | |
Time | a numeric variable indicating the time taken by the subject to respond to the surveys questions in minutes. | |
BMI | a numeric variable with the subject's body mass index. | |
Cluster | a numeric variable indexing the cluster. | |
Data generation code availble on https://github.com/johamunoz/Statsmed_Heckman/blob/main/4.Codes/gendata_Obesity.R
Synthetic data based on the data retrieved from "https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/fabinmndez/obesitydata/"
Palechor, F. M., & de la Hoz Manotas, A. (2019). Dataset for estimation of obesity levels based on eating habits and physical condition in individuals from Colombia, Peru and Mexico. Data in brief, 25, 104344.
library(mice) library(ggplot2) library(data.table) data(Obesity) summary(Obesity) md.pattern(Obesity) # Missingness per region (Weight) dataNA <- setDT(Obesity)[, .(nNA = sum(is.na(Weight)),n=.N), by = Cluster] dataNA[, propNA:=nNA/n] dataNA # Density per region (Weight) Obesity$Cluster <- as.factor(Obesity$Cluster) ggplot(Obesity, aes(x = Weight, group=Cluster)) + geom_histogram(aes(color = Cluster,fill= Cluster), position = "identity", bins = 30) + facet_grid(Cluster~.)
library(mice) library(ggplot2) library(data.table) data(Obesity) summary(Obesity) md.pattern(Obesity) # Missingness per region (Weight) dataNA <- setDT(Obesity)[, .(nNA = sum(is.na(Weight)),n=.N), by = Cluster] dataNA[, propNA:=nNA/n] dataNA # Density per region (Weight) Obesity$Cluster <- as.factor(Obesity$Cluster) ggplot(Obesity, aes(x = Weight, group=Cluster)) + geom_histogram(aes(color = Cluster,fill= Cluster), position = "identity", bins = 30) + facet_grid(Cluster~.)
Assess the fit of the predictive distribution after performing multiple imputation with mice
overimpute(res.mice, plotvars = NULL, plotinds = NULL, nnodes = 5, path.outfile = NULL, alpha = 0.1)
overimpute(res.mice, plotvars = NULL, plotinds = NULL, nnodes = 5, path.outfile = NULL, alpha = 0.1)
res.mice |
An object of class mids |
plotvars |
column index of the variables overimputed |
plotinds |
row index of the individuals overimputed |
nnodes |
A scalar indicating the number of nodes for parallel calculation. Default value is 5. |
path.outfile |
A vector of strings indicating the path for redirection of print messages. Default value is NULL, meaning that silent imputation is performed. Otherwise, print messages are saved in the files path.outfile/output.txt. One file per node is generated. |
alpha |
alpha level for prediction intervals |
This function imputes each observed values from each of the parameters of the imputation model obtained from the mice procedure. The comparison between the "overimputed" values and the observed values is made by building a confidence interval for each observed value using the quantiles of the overimputed values (Blackwell et al. (2015)). Note that confidence intervals builded with quantiles require a large number of imputations. If the model fits the data well, then the 90% confidence interval should contain the observed value in 90% of the cases (the proportion of intervals containing the observed value is reported in the title of each graph). The function overimpute takes as an input the output of the mice or mice.par function (res.mice), the indices of the incomplete continuous variables that are plotted (plotvars), the indices of individuals (can be useful for time consumming imputation methods), the number of nodes for parallel computation, and the path for exporting print message generated during the parallel process.
A list of two matrices
res.plot |
7-columns matrix that contains (1) the variable which is overimputed, (2) the observed value of the observation, (3) the mean of the overimputations, (4) the lower bound of the confidence interval of the overimputations, (5) the upper bound of the confidence interval of the overimputations, (6) the proportion of the other variables that were missing for that observation in the original data, and (7) the color for graphical representation. |
res.values |
A matrix with overimputed values for each cell. The number of columns corresponds to the number of values generated (i.e. the number of imputed tables) |
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Blackwell, M., Honaker, J. and King. G. 2015. A Unified Approach to Measurement Error and Missing Data: Overview and Applications. Sociological Methods and Research, 1-39. <doi:10.1177/0049124115585360>
require(parallel) nnodes<-detectCores()-1#number of nodes m<-1000#nb generated values per observation ################ #one level data ################ require(mice) data(nhanes) #res.mice<-mice.par(nhanes,m = m,nnodes = nnodes) #res.over<-overimpute(res.mice, nnodes = nnodes) ################ #two level data (time consumming) ################ data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (time consumming) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method,m=m,nnodes = nnodes) #overimputation on 30 individuals #res.over<-overimpute(res.mice, # nnodes=nnodes, # plotinds=sample(x = seq(nrow(CHEM97Na)),size = 30))
require(parallel) nnodes<-detectCores()-1#number of nodes m<-1000#nb generated values per observation ################ #one level data ################ require(mice) data(nhanes) #res.mice<-mice.par(nhanes,m = m,nnodes = nnodes) #res.over<-overimpute(res.mice, nnodes = nnodes) ################ #two level data (time consumming) ################ data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-find.defaultMethod(CHEM97Na,ind.clust) #multiple imputation by chained equations (time consumming) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na, # predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix, # method=method,m=m,nnodes = nnodes) #overimputation on 30 individuals #res.over<-overimpute(res.mice, # nnodes=nnodes, # plotinds=sample(x = seq(nrow(CHEM97Na)),size = 30))
The plot
method for a mira
object plots the confidence interval length against the number of multiply imputed datasets from 2 to m
. This is a graphical tool to check if the variability due to the simulation of the multiple imputation process can be substantially reduced by increasing the number of generated datasets m
## S3 method for class 'mira' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mira' plot(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Extra arguments for |
Vincent Audigier [email protected]
Schafer, J. L. (1997). Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. Chapman & Hall/CRC, London
require(nlme) data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-c("", "2l.2stage.bin", "2l.2stage.pois", "2l.2stage.norm", "") #quickest methods #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na,m=15,predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix,method=method) #analysis (apply a linear mixed effects model to each imputed dataset) #ana<-with(res.mice,expr=lme(fixed=formula(Score~Sex+GSCE+Age), # random=formula(~1|School),method="REML", # control=list(maxIter=100,msMaxIter=100,niterEM=25))) #graphical investigation for the number of generated datasets m #plot(ana)
require(nlme) data(CHEM97Na) ind.clust<-1#index for the cluster variable #initialisation of the argument predictorMatrix predictor.matrix<-mice(CHEM97Na,m=1,maxit=0)$pred predictor.matrix[ind.clust,ind.clust]<-0 predictor.matrix[-ind.clust,ind.clust]<- -2 predictor.matrix[predictor.matrix==1]<-2 #initialisation of the argument method method<-c("", "2l.2stage.bin", "2l.2stage.pois", "2l.2stage.norm", "") #quickest methods #multiple imputation by chained equations (parallel calculation) #res.mice<-mice.par(CHEM97Na,m=15,predictorMatrix = predictor.matrix,method=method) #analysis (apply a linear mixed effects model to each imputed dataset) #ana<-with(res.mice,expr=lme(fixed=formula(Score~Sex+GSCE+Age), # random=formula(~1|School),method="REML", # control=list(maxIter=100,msMaxIter=100,niterEM=25))) #graphical investigation for the number of generated datasets m #plot(ana)